We are accepting pre-orders only for the mom-agenda desktop (SGD$65) and momagenda mini-daily (SGD$62). Please add SGD$7 to your order if you wish to personalise your item.

Some of you have been wondering how this diary is different and how it can be used so I managed to get a pic on the insides showing exactly this! As the layout shows, you don't have to have 4 children to make the most out of this agenda. The additional rows can be used to fill out important "To Do" lists for the day. Plus there is even a last row for you to plan your dinners so that you only have to go grocery shopping once a week!

Designed by Nina Restieri, the MomAgenda desktop planner keeps track of 17 months of insanity for you and up to four kids. Plus it includes pages for you to record things like birthdays, medical info, and school stuff. If you are interested in getting one for yourself or for a friend, please email me (hello@pupsikstudio.com) soon!