Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Artist: Bless the Messy.

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3iqD61D


Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2ZxXOoY

New to Pupsik

New to Pupsik! Cerave moisturising creams and lotions!

New to Pupsik: Sambucol Baby versions suitable for children 6 months and above

New to Pupsik: Sambucol Baby versions suitable for children 6 months and above. First time in Singapore!

20% off all Mustela

20% off all Mustela. Sale ends on 28 Sep, 10am, or while stocks last!

20% off BabySafe Latex Pillow, Bolsters, Mattresses

20% off BabySafe Latex Pillow, Bolsters, Mattresses. Sale ends 28 Sep, 10am, or while stocks last.

Freebies worth $233

Freebies worth $233.35 with every Spectra S1+ and S9+ pumps - sale ends 5 Oct or while stocks last!


This is true! Who else agrees? #parentingtruths #mumsatwork_sg #mamaknows #weloveourkids #realparenting


Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2ReMEkp

What's your child's love language

Discover your child's love language. Know the 5 love languages of kids to strength your parent child relationshop, and stave off misbehavior.

Courtesy of https://www.thepragmaticparent.com/five-love-languages-of-kids/

Or turn their heads

Been there. Done that. This always happens 😂😅 #LifewithToddlers #BelleFever

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3bI8N4d



Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3ikXzVU

Worth supporting

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/326KGc6

Good read

Friends and strangers have asked us, how do you discipline your children? I never thought our parenting methods are that special, but I…

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2Fcr8dN

Is yours on the scooting stage

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3iaV9sK

Love this~

It takes time for kids to learn to look up and see the needs of those around them, including their parents and siblings. They're very naturally attuned to their own needs, but need to be shown how to "see a need, meet a need" for others. One of the best ways to teach them this is to model it out loud. Be intentional to point out the needs of others around you - narrating aloud the things you might naturally do in silence. In a waiting area or lobby, I have taught my boys to only take a seat if there is not an adult standing and waiting. They should take notice if "elders" enter, and quickly offer their seats. While grocery shopping, I point out, "See that woman struggling to reach the top shelf? Is there a way we could help her?".... "See that older man loading those heavy fertilizer bags into his truck. Is there a way we could help him?"... "See that pregnant woman putting her groceries away? Is there a way we could help her?"... When they were younger, I'd whisper the the words they could use, "Excuse me, may I return that shopping cart for you?" This trains them to pay attention to the world around them and look for ways to be helpers. It is a practice that not only helps them build confidence speaking to strangers, but translates to empathy and a spirit of teamwork in the workplace and beyond. The strongest teams - at work, in sports, and in families - are those whose members are willing to bear one another's burdens. I often have to voice my needs to my kids and ask how they could help. I wish they'd notice on their own, but that takes time. Soon, they won't need our prompting. It will become habit. When one of your kids helps to meet a need, ask them how it feels. That intrinsic feeling of satisfaction and service will motivate them to do it much more often on their own. #HRmom

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2GA04Wi


Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2QZqiU0

Looks awesome, but woah, the amount of work, lol~

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/322Cp95

Sounds like you

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3jOonOv


What do you think

What do you think? (Thanks to Lisa Sunbury Gerber for posting this quote from Jane Healy, one of my favorite researchers)

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2Z4ZtCq

Not an easy task at all

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3jFJwu5

Jujube Lumos Maxima is now officially launched and those who pre-ordered will be getting the stocks soon

Jujube Lumos Maxima is now officially launched and those who pre-ordered will be getting the stocks soon. Sorry, Hobobe is all sold out, but the rest of designs still available for now! Free coin purse with $188 purchase.

New Shasher Colors - Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Ash - for Stand-Up and Half-Gallon bags are now available on Pupsik

New Shasher Colors - Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Ash - for Stand-Up and Half-Gallon bags are now available on Pupsik. Check them out here:

New to Pupsik: EKOBO is a French eco-lifestyle brand that aims at creating reusable, non-toxic dishware for kids

New to Pupsik: EKOBO is a French eco-lifestyle brand that aims at creating reusable, non-toxic dishware for kids. EKOBO developed their signature BIOBU® bamboo fibre eco-composite.

Such an encouragement to all parents who feel like they've failed sometimes~

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/34RYAAO

Psycho activated

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/31O2eti

Hands up if you can relate to this~ 🙋‍♀️

Hands up if you can relate to this~ 🙋‍♀️

"Water it

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3b9nRHQ

Jujube Chromatics 2

Courtesy of https://www.pupsikstudio.com/jujube-chromatics-2-0/


The cat seems to know it has to be extra careful around the sleeping infant.

Courtesy of https://www.intheknow.com/2020/07/17/cat-gently-tries-to-pat-sleeping-baby-in-sweet-video/

Nearly gave me a heart attack

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/32uvx3s


Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2Yyso1l

LOL~ The caption says, "The 7th Lunar month isn't scary, a Baby who refuses to sleep at night is much scarier

鬼門開不可怕, 可怕的是半夜精神還很好的寶寶... #半夜睡不著覺 #把心情哼成歌 #鬼月 #鬼門開 #親子 #圖文 #香菇愛畫畫

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2YtKr8S

I'll probably have a heart attack~

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3grp0vj

Eyes on the yellow button

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3l7a7BQ

If you are familiar with mifold belt positioning system, you will love Smart Kid Belt

Courtesy of https://www.pupsikstudio.com/smart-kid-belt-car-seat-restraint.html

Get free Milton Hand Sanitizer worth $7

Get free Milton Hand Sanitizer worth $7.90 with every $150 purchase. Min purchase of 2 items are required. The free hand sanitizer will be automatically be added to shopping cart. While stocks last.


Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3aPxICz


It takes time to heal from something this big.

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2YoDzcI

LOL~ Sometimes, yeah~

Yup, pretty much🤦‍♀️

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/34k4Pgv


Courtesy of https://bit.ly/3aOSPow

It's true

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2QbxGLG

TGIF soon

TGIF soon! Meanwhile, here is our Pick of the Day. ♥️

Jujube Team Toki launching 21 Aug, 7 am and we still have stocks left

Jujube Team Toki launching 21 Aug, 7 am and we still have stocks left! Each bag comes with unique Tokidoki zipper pull (you can also buy them as pack of three in blind boxes). Free coin purse with $188 purchase (we don't have many coin purses left).

The "geh kiang" phase~

So lucky!

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/34cyV5l

"The fear of being a burden; the guilt of feeling too weak to soldier through it alone; and feeling selfish for not being able to reciprocate the help received

Having the ceaseless responsibility of looking after my child has had the happy and inevitable consequence of finding ways to look after myself, Benny Davis writes.

Courtesy of https://ab.co/323ZiYx

New to Pupsik: KeepCup

New to Pupsik: KeepCup. The world’s first barista standard reusable cup. We have taken care to ensure our products are functional and fit for purpose behind the coffee machine. KeepCups are created to reduce and replace the use of disposable cups. Designed to facilitate reuse – for example, our press on lid is the result of precise engineering and manufacturing, to increase ease of use in busy café environments for those who make and drink coffee.

What would you have done

You walk into the playroom and see pompoms and toys strewn all over the floor. ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ Your first reaction? ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ 😡🤯😱 ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ “Clean up the room NOWWWWWW!!!!” ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ Do you think your child will obediently clean up the pompoms right away? ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ Sorry babe, unlikely. ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ Instead, you’ll have to deal with the power struggle that comes almost immediately 🌪 ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ 💡 But what if you speak to their emotional brain instead: ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ “WOW I see a lot of pompoms on the floor. You guys are having fun!” ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ Your child then feels connected and there’s a higher probability that they will cooperate and clean up! ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ 〰️ ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ This was our first playroom and I remembered vividly how the kids were playing hockey with a long wooden spoon and the pompoms, making “rain” by scooping pom poms into cups and pouring them out 🌧 ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ They had a whale of a time, imagining, playing, laughing as they turned the room into a pom pom sensory bin 😭 ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ I know that some of us have very low tolerance for mess, but we have kids, don’t we? How can it fun if there’s no mess! 😆 ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ Of course, I am not saying that its ok for the kids to create a mess and leave. More importantly, we want to inculcate a sense of responsibility in the kids. After the “rain”, I cleaned up the room together with the kids. No tears, no power struggles 💪🏻 ⁣⁣ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⁣ In situations like that, I ask myself what is more important: a messy room or the relationship with my child? I choose the latter ♥️ #olpn_parenting I’m curious, what would you say when you walk into the room filled with pompoms (or even LEGO) on the floor??! 😱

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2E46SKH

So precious~

Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2Q2ioJ1