Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Vera!

It has been a long day today...On top of nursing Nadya round the clock, Vera is demanding a little more than her usual share of attention as she turns 2 today.

I have heard about the Terrible Twos....and hope and pray that Vera will skip this stage altogether. As it has been only 2 weeks since I delivered, we decided that we will wait till Nadya turns one month before we throw a little celebration for both. That is one of the advantages of having 2 babies born on the same month. You only have to do it once.

We had a little family celebration today by bringing the babies to Go Go Bambini. Vera absolutely loves this place and it is the perfect safe haven for any parent who has a hyperactive child. I don't think she stopped one moment when we were in the playscape.

(above) Picture taken in Go Go Bambini. Everything happened so fast we couldn't even get a proper picture of the birthday girl.

We also stopped by Toys R Us to let Vera pick a toy for her birthday. We got her an ATM machine which I know is kind of a strange gift for a 2 year old. But for some reason, Vera has taken a keen interest in rummaging through our wallets for notes and coins and money money. Although we are a tad concerned about her latest fixation, we thought it may be an opportune time to teach her numbers and some math since she is so keen on the notes and coins. The ATM machine is really cool. You have to insert a card and key in a pin number before the "safe box" gets opened. I wish I had a toy like that when I was young!

Happy 2nd Birthday Vera! You probably cannot read this but Mommy loves you and pray that you will always stay as adorable, curious and fun-loving as you are! xoox

Monday, October 27, 2008

Now on sale on Pupsik Studio - Poss Bloss Nappy Wallets

As a mom who likes to travel light and have all the nappy and nursing essentials compactly stored in one place, it is not surprising that I love practical and beautiful products such as The Diaper Clutch and the very recently discovered Nappy Changing Wallet by Poss Bloss.

I was drawn to the gorgeous fabrics used in Poss Bloss wallets the first time I saw them. Measuring 15 x 30cm, these versatile nappy wallets in laminated fabric are large enough to hold my baby changing and nursing essentials consisting of two nappies, 1 disposable travel wipes, a nursing cover and cell phone (not exactly a baby changing/nursing essential but nevertheless, an essential). And if I wanted to, I could have fitted a burb cloth and pair of breast pads in the sleeve quite comfortably too!
Each wallet is custom made by Jodie, a stay-home mom living in Australia. Jodie has a background in Commercial Industrial Property Management. She started Poss Bloss 4 years ago when she found herself needing a creative outlet while staying at home with her girls (now 10 & 6).

Since starting Poss Bloss as a hobby style business, it has since grown into almost full time hours. As a self-confessed control freak, Jodie produces all Poss Bloss items herself. I have to say that I am really amazed at the high quality of each Poss Bloss product. You can really tell that a lot of attention and care went into making each wallet.

I am quite sure the versatile Poss Bloss Nappy Changing wallet will be a hot seller on Pupsik Studio. Even if you are not a nappy-changing mom, you can use this practical and beautiful wallet to keep loose items such as your lunch wallet, make-up kit, staff pass, tissue paper and cell phone when you are not needing to take your entire handbag.

I have brought in limited numbers this time and will be offering a 10% introductory discount on all Nappy Wallets for a limited time only. To purchase one in your favourite design, click here!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Digital Pacifier Thermometer

How brilliant is this invention? (via whateverdeedeewants)

Dote Studio

I love nursing my babies. Somehow, I gain a lot of satisfaction just knowing that I am able to provide for them, even though it is tiring. But one thing that really frustrated me when I was nursing Vera during the first year of her life was the lack of stylish and comfortable nursing wear in Singapore. In a way, I was saved by the 2 faithful ponchos I got from Mon Petit Jardin as they allowed me to nurse practically everywhere without much need for nursing clothes.

But it is still nice to have pretty nursing clothes. It just makes breastfeeding a little more comfortable and convenient. That was why I was really excited when I first heard that Dorothy, designer and founder of the Dotted Line was embarking on a new design label specializing in nursing wear, Dote Studio.

I think I first got to know Dorothy through my other design blog, laissezfaire. Before entering the fabulous world of fashion, she spent her days in a small cubicle at a large international financial institution. She decided to follow her passion a few years back when she took up a course in fashion design and started the Dotted Line. With her new journey into motherhood early this year, she wasted no time in getting started with her second business venture, Dote Studio when she too got fed up with the lack of stylish nursing wear available in Singapore.

Dorothy also asked me to be involved in the design of the label for Dote several months back.

I was pleasantly surprised when Dorothy told me that she was going to give me a gift when Dote Studio was launched earlier this month. I was absolutely delighted when a nursing dress and top came in the mail the day I was about to deliver. As I had expected, the clothes were gorgeous and very well made. It really got me excited about nursing again. Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift, Dorothy!

I really can't wait to try on the clothes once that postpatum tummy becomes less visible. =))

above: Mist puff sleeve dress (S$109, US$75 approx)above: Slate Top. (S$69 or US$48 approx.)

And if you are one who likes to touch and feel your clothes before buying, you will be pleased to know that Dote Studio will also be collaborating with Maternity Exchange, Singapore, to offer more nursing options in the coming months. Do visit these 2 websites for the latest info!

Currently listening to while nursing Nadya

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Delivery by C-Section

It has been quite a challenging week. Besides nursing round the clock and balancing the needs of a newborn and demanding 2 year old, there are still many orders and enquiries for the online shop that need to be tended to.

Just thought I would take a break by sharing a little about my journey as a "new-mom-again" so far, starting with how Nadya was born.

I have to say that the whole delivery process this time felt really surreal. Unlike the first time when I was in labour for 15 hours before going for an emergency c-section, this time everything seemed so orderly and pre-meditated as it was a planned c-section due to the expected size of the baby.

Vitali and I checked into the hospital in the early afternoon after a visit to the hair salon (I decided that I needed to have a hair wash since I knew I was not going to be able to walk for the next day). It felt like we were checking into a hotel for a holiday, except that there was also an immense sense of deja-vu as we entered the hospital. Weren't we just here just recently to welcome our first baby? How time flies!

When it was time for me to be wheeled into the operating theatre, it started to dawn on me that we were going to meet our new baby soon. While I was excited, I was also quite nervous as I recalled the trembling, vommiting and hallucinations I experienced the first time I had Vera. I prayed that this time would be better although it didn't help that I had to notice some bright red spots of blood on the ceiling of the operating theatre where I was parked. How did that get there...hmm....ok, close eyes, don't think, never saw it, don't want to know. Period.

The anaesthetist came in to give me a jab to numb my lower body and Vitali joined me shortly after I entered the theatre. Everything ok so far and I was still conscious and feeling quite fine, unlike the first time when I had already passed out of fright at this point in time.
I tried to keep my eyes focussed on Vitali, think happy thoughts and engaged in a dinner-like conversation with my gynae. Before I knew it, she happily announced that the baby was going to come and the nurses in the room started to push my tummy. I heard a cry soon after and the feeling of joy was immense when I realised that Nadya was born. I made it and heard the baby's first cry! Praise God! The nurses quickly wrapped Nadya up and placed her on my chest. That was when the picture above was taken and I was still in the process of being "stitched up". Yikes!

So this is the story of how Nadya entered the world. Not as drama and long-drawn as Vera's entry but different and just as memorable.

While it has been a tiring week since then, I really thank God for this little bundle of joy. I have been trying to savour every moment of this new journey as I know how fast babies grow. I guess the point of me sharing this on this blog is to assure other moms who have to go for a c-section for one reason or another not to feel too scared. It really isn't bad as some people make it or what we imagine it to be.

Of course, if you can deliver naturally, why not? But if for some reason you can't, then do enjoy the alternative process of delivery that medical advancement has enabled. The joy of hearing your baby cry for the first time and holding him/her in your arms will make up for any fear or doubts you might have about a c-section delivery.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nadya Vitalyevna Zagorodnova

With praise and thanksgiving to God, Nadya Vitalyevna Zagorodnova was born on 11 Oct 2008, weighing 4.543kg! We are overjoyed! 'Nadya' means 'Hope' in Russian and if you are wondering what the middle name means, it just means 'daughter of Vitali' in Russian.

Although this is my second journey into motherhood, I have so much new things and experiences to share and will do so once I adjust to this new bundle of joy in our family. Meanwhile, I just need to get used to the lack of sleep and hourly feeds (yes, a 4.543kg baby does get hungry quickly).

Thank you all once again for your well wishes! xoxo

Friday, October 10, 2008

The hospital bag is packed

The last week preparing for the new baby's arrival has been really hectic...and doing the most basic things that we normally take for granted (like breathing and walking) has been quite an effort.

When I look down now, I can't see my toes. Wherever I go, I get huge and long stares at the size of my belly and people asking if I am carrying twins or a boy. I am very close to scribbling "1. NOT TWINS" and "2. I am NOT a BOY" across my belly. hmm....maybe I should design a maternity shirt with these words for Pupsik Studio.
(above) Self portrait/what I now see when I look down at my feet.

The hospital bag is packed and I think we are almost ready...

Hospital checklist

1. Receiving blanket and toy (Baby's First "Welcome to Earth" gift)
2. Pupsik Pouch (to cradle baby)
3. Mon Petit nursing poncho (for discrete feeding esp when visitors come around)
4. Towel, toiletries, hair dryer (I can write this here cos I know my mom does not read this blog! I am definitely showering and washing my hair for sure.)
5. Bible, Gina Ford's "The Contented Baby", "House Beautiful" Magazine
6. Gummies and marshmellow (courtesy of Elaine)
7. Hospital gown, nursing tops and slippers
8. Camera/Video
9. Medela Swing breast pump
10. Nursing Pillow
11. Momagenda (will be using this as a journal and to record baby's feeding time and schedule)
12. Beansprout pillow

Hope I am not forgetting anything...

Thanks all for your well wishes and for enquiring how I have been over the last week. Really appreciate your thoughfulness and prayers! xoxoxo