Have fun and get colourfully creative!
(above): Typical feeding schedule - click image to enlarge. It is pretty much the same schedule I am keeping with Nadya now although I am not writing it down. I recorded everything down back then as it was hard at times trying to remember how long I had fed and which side I last fed on. I actually also invented a code to record the time of feed, which breast I last fed on etc and was very close to inventing a stop watch just for recording the nursing time. I settled for a $2 kitchen timer in the end. As you can see, it is a 24/7 job.
Contrast the schedule above to the working schedule I had just before giving birth (see below). This is proof that being a full-time mom is really more taxing than a full-time job!! Say goodbye to leave, holidays etc!!
We also stopped by Toys R Us to let Vera pick a toy for her birthday. We got her an ATM machine which I know is kind of a strange gift for a 2 year old. But for some reason, Vera has taken a keen interest in rummaging through our wallets for notes and coins and chanting...money money money. Although we are a tad concerned about her latest fixation, we thought it may be an opportune time to teach her numbers and some math since she is so keen on the notes and coins. The ATM machine is really cool. You have to insert a card and key in a pin number before the "safe box" gets opened. I wish I had a toy like that when I was young!
Happy 2nd Birthday Vera! You probably cannot read this but Mommy loves you and pray that you will always stay as adorable, curious and fun-loving as you are! xoox
Vera's response when introduced to her cot mobile friends for the first time at 2 months.
Vera: oh dada...you are so funny and ridiculous!
9 month old Vera really amazed us today by showing us how emotionally sensitive she is to music. She loves happy songs and would clap to the tune. She also enjoys music by Bach and will sit and listen quietly on her own when we play the CD. However, we never knew she would cry when she hears a sad tune...until today. In this video, you can watch her reactions when she hears Daddy hum a sad tune from "Letters from Iwo Jima". Click on image above to watch.