Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Latest pics

Dear Family and friends,

In case you are wondering how Vera is doing, you can check out the latest pictures of this little girl here!



ShutterBug said...

hahah.. she is ever growing so adorably...

I would love to do another session with you guys man.. hahah :D

laissezfaire said...

We would so love that too! We were at the Botanics the other day and having such a great time. I was thinking how nice it would be if you were there with us at that point to capture that moment!

ShutterBug said...

hehe... Lets do a baby day out in May shall we? Wld love to meet up with u and Vitali for a drink also :D

laissezfaire said...

that would be nice!!

ShutterBug said...

righto.. will arrange a time in May :D Keep you posted via SMS :)

laissezfaire said...

looking forward!! =))