Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Win a pair of Stephie's Castle Hairclips!

I really loved the clips she gave us and was really impressed with the workmanship. All the materials she uses are specially imported from overseas and the clips are lined with quality velvet ribbons. I decided to support her lovely business by getting another pair from her. I will be giving away this lovely pair of clips to a lucky mom reading this. If you would like to win this clip, just be the first person to drop me an email at with the heading "I want Stephie Castle's clip for my princess!" and the clip will be yours, instantly!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
1st Christmas Sale by Pupsik Studio is now on!

We have stocked up on many cool new items over the last few months. This includes the long awaited nursing covers by Pupsik Studio, new designs for our popular beansprout pillows and the unique momAgenda that is bound to get busy moms like you organised in style in 2009!
From now until 25th December, take 15% off the usual price on many items in our online store. In addition, you also get to enjoy:
1. Free shipping on all orders
2. Free giftwrap (simply indicate in the COMMENTS section at checkout that you wish to have your items wrapped)
3. An additional 10% off any total purchase above $100 when you include a momAgenda in your order (while stocks last!). Simply enter the code 'MOMAGENDA'
Offer while stocks last so do visit us at Pupsik Studio today to start shopping! Oh, and don't forget to send in your entry for our "Pupsik in a Pouch" giveaway contest and stand a chance to win a goodie bag from us!
Warm Wishes,
Su Ling
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Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!

Despite everything over the past week, I am grateful to have a pocket of time this morning just to sit down for my quiet time and give thanks to God for all He has given me. At times like this, it is just so easy to be distracted and suck oneself into self-pity and self-absorption in our own little world and forget about all that He has so freely given us; Food, a home, a healthy body, loved ones...things we often take for granted.
While browsing through some of my favourite Christian blogs and website this morning, I am reminded of the verse in I Thessalonians 5:18 which says,
I know that there are many mommies out there going through the same lack of sleep and adjustments as myself and I just want to say "Hang on"! Here is a little something I have been listening to this morning that I would like to share with you and hope you will be able to seek comfort in.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
How to wear your Pupsik Pouch (NEW instructional video)
We have finally got down to improving our instructional videos to guide mommies using the pouch for the first time.
Cradle Carry (NEW instructional video)
Here is me, showing how to do the cradle carry on a (large) newborn baby. a.k.a Nadya at 6 weeks.
I consider the cradle carry more challenging, compared to the kangaroo and hip carry, as baby is still relatively small and fragile. The pouch is might to be quite snug when baby is inside. And especially with the postpartum tummy in the first few weeks after delivery, many mommies think the pouch is too small when it is actually the right size. We usually encourage mums to be patient when learning how to use the pouch but are happy to do an exchange, if required. Generally, a pouch is the right size when the lowest point of the pouch is 1-3 inches under your belly button.
As with all things, it will be a breeze once you get the hang of how to place and remove baby from the pouch for the cradle carry. Just remember safety first and always support a newborn's neck and make sure there is good airflow to baby's face. Also, practice when baby is in a good mood, not when he is screaming his lungs out to be fed.
The cradle carry is perfect when you need your hands free to do simple things like surf the web or go shopping! The snug feeling also helps calm babies down as it mimics the feeling of being in the womb.
Some Helful Tips for doing the Cradle Carry
1. Make sure that baby's legs are slightly crossed before putting in the pouch
2. You should have the padding facing out and the seam of the pouch at the lowest point and positioned directly in front of you.
3. The curved seam of the pouch is where the pouch is the biggest. Position baby's bum where the seam of the pouch is and drop baby's bum in first. Use the padding as a handle to help position correctly.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pre-Christmas Sale!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
$600 Puj Giveaway

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Puj Tub

Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Little Stock Delivery Bag

This pre-packed bag include items for the birth experience (massage oil, preggie pops), for Mom’s stay (nursing nightgown, slippers, organic toiletries), a toiletry bag for Dad’s stay, a going-home blanket for baby, and things you need for breastfeeding (nursing bra, nipple cream).
Saturday, November 8, 2008
New Collection at Sparklethots

If you like any of the items, you will be happy to know that Sparkle Thots is doing a FREE SHIPPING promotion. Just spend above SGD $50 to receive this offer. Enter code [GIFTED08] upon check out.
(above) Drop of Golden Sun (SGD$45)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Contrasting schedules
There is very little distinction between night and day for me. I am nursing Nadya every three hours, with each session lasting 40 mins to 1 hour. Which means that if I am lucky, I get 2 hours off each time to tend to Vera, answer emails, fulfil orders, blog, take a nap, eat, visit the loo etc...
I was clearing out my old diaries just the other day and came across Vera's feeding "log book" which I recorded 2 years ago. I remember how stressed out I was then, trying to establish a schedule in the beginning, 20 mins each side, 40 minutes each time, every 3 hours. It was really hard, especially for a 1st time mom who gets grouchy when she doesn't get enough sleep (see below).
(above): Typical feeding schedule - click image to enlarge. It is pretty much the same schedule I am keeping with Nadya now although I am not writing it down. I recorded everything down back then as it was hard at times trying to remember how long I had fed and which side I last fed on. I actually also invented a code to record the time of feed, which breast I last fed on etc and was very close to inventing a stop watch just for recording the nursing time. I settled for a $2 kitchen timer in the end. As you can see, it is a 24/7 job.
Contrast the schedule above to the working schedule I had just before giving birth (see below). This is proof that being a full-time mom is really more taxing than a full-time job!! Say goodbye to leave, holidays etc!!

Monday, November 3, 2008
Our first shopping trip out

Pupsik™ Studio - featured in Mother & Baby magazine

Pupsik™ Studio is delighted to be in the November 2008 issue of Mother & Baby (click image above to enlarge). We are featured in the "Gotta Get it" page of this month's issue.
Thank you Mother & Baby magazine for supporting and featuring us! There is a little surprise in this month's issue that we are giving away to readers of Mother & Baby. Do check it out and don't miss it!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Vera!

I have heard about the Terrible Twos....and hope and pray that Vera will skip this stage altogether. As it has been only 2 weeks since I delivered, we decided that we will wait till Nadya turns one month before we throw a little celebration for both. That is one of the advantages of having 2 babies born on the same month. You only have to do it once.
We had a little family celebration today by bringing the babies to Go Go Bambini. Vera absolutely loves this place and it is the perfect safe haven for any parent who has a hyperactive child. I don't think she stopped one moment when we were in the playscape.

We also stopped by Toys R Us to let Vera pick a toy for her birthday. We got her an ATM machine which I know is kind of a strange gift for a 2 year old. But for some reason, Vera has taken a keen interest in rummaging through our wallets for notes and coins and money money. Although we are a tad concerned about her latest fixation, we thought it may be an opportune time to teach her numbers and some math since she is so keen on the notes and coins. The ATM machine is really cool. You have to insert a card and key in a pin number before the "safe box" gets opened. I wish I had a toy like that when I was young!
Happy 2nd Birthday Vera! You probably cannot read this but Mommy loves you and pray that you will always stay as adorable, curious and fun-loving as you are! xoox
Monday, October 27, 2008
Now on sale on Pupsik Studio - Poss Bloss Nappy Wallets

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dote Studio

I really can't wait to try on the clothes once that postpatum tummy becomes less visible. =))

And if you are one who likes to touch and feel your clothes before buying, you will be pleased to know that Dote Studio will also be collaborating with Maternity Exchange, Singapore, to offer more nursing options in the coming months. Do visit these 2 websites for the latest info!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Delivery by C-Section

It has been quite a challenging week. Besides nursing round the clock and balancing the needs of a newborn and demanding 2 year old, there are still many orders and enquiries for the online shop that need to be tended to.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Nadya Vitalyevna Zagorodnova

Friday, October 10, 2008
The hospital bag is packed

Hospital checklist
1. Receiving blanket and toy (Baby's First "Welcome to Earth" gift)
2. Pupsik Pouch (to cradle baby)
3. Mon Petit nursing poncho (for discrete feeding esp when visitors come around)
4. Towel, toiletries, hair dryer (I can write this here cos I know my mom does not read this blog! I am definitely showering and washing my hair for sure.)
5. Bible, Gina Ford's "The Contented Baby", "House Beautiful" Magazine
6. Gummies and marshmellow (courtesy of Elaine)
7. Hospital gown, nursing tops and slippers
8. Camera/Video
9. Medela Swing breast pump
10. Nursing Pillow
12. Beansprout pillow
Hope I am not forgetting anything...
Thanks all for your well wishes and for enquiring how I have been over the last week. Really appreciate your thoughfulness and prayers! xoxoxo
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
How to deal with attention-seeking kids
Kids can be quite attention-seeking and manipulative. While it can be quite funny at times, parents do have a responsibility not to let it get out of hand. While it is normal for children to need attention and approval, attention-seeking becomes a problem when it happens all the time.
We recently noticed Vera deliberately doing things that we prohibit her to do. Things like throwing things on the floor, throwing a tandrum and sticking things into her mouth just to see our reactions. Vitali and I are just learning how to respond appropriately when she does this.
Here are some tips we found here on how to deal with misbehaviour:
1. When your child misbehaves to get your attention, ignore the misbehavior. You will weaken those demands and extinguish the misbehavior. However, there are many misbehaviors that you should not ignore. Some misbehaviors should be punished. If you must use a punishment, dispense the punishment without anger.
2. Do not take good behavior for granted: give your children positive attention when they are behaving.
When you attend to the negative and ignore the positive, you teach your children to behave in a negative way. Your child will misbehave to get your attention in the future. When a child demonstrates good behavior, notice it. Look for it. The more you notice, the more you will find. You will get more good behavior in the future.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sesame St - How paper is made
Another one of my favourite clips from Sesame St. I used to be so intriqued by how the dirty mushy old paper could be transformed into such flat and luxurious rolls of white paper.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sesame Street Old School
And this one below never failed to crack me up as a child. I think I can trace some of my idiosyncratic tendencies today to this guy.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lastest pics
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Pregnancy Pictures

(below) Some pics of Vera frolicking in her own balcony pool after she woke up from her afternoon nap.
To see more shots that Ron took for us, click here.
Ron, thanks for sharing this special time of our lives with us and helping us capture such beautiful memories that we will surely look back fondly upon in the days to come. x
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Photo Blocks

Friday, September 5, 2008
Petite Palate

Petite Palate knows that infants are born with taste buds that need to be nurtured from the very first taste of solid food. We believe in the French tradition of small meals with big flavor. This leads to a positive relationship with food (as opposed to large portions of bland foods typically served). If presented as early as possible, children will grow up with better eating habits, reducing the incidence of child obesity and a number of health problems. Petite Palate also believes that with a highly developed palate, older children will choose nutritious foods over fried and processed ones; setting healthy habits for their entire lives. "
Monday, September 1, 2008
Vera's friends
Vera's response when introduced to her cot mobile friends for the first time at 2 months.
Vera: oh are so funny and ridiculous!
New etsy shop by Simply Olive