I would definitely order this if they shipped to Singapore but unfortunately, due to the perishable nature of this product, they don't. So I am posting this on Pupsik Studio as a business idea for any mom who has a passion for food and cooking and wants to start a business offering something like this in Singapore. I really think it is a great idea but will not be able to execute something like this cos I don't really have a thing for cooking. Designing the packaging for something like this would excite me more.
Petite Palate was started by 2 moms who were trained as chefs. They started off by perfecting their own infant baby food together over playdates when their sons were very young. Once friends found out what these moms were doing, they begged them to make some for baby gifts, christenings, showers, birthdays etc. Today, Petite Palate has grown into a full-fledged business and is dedicated to providing fresh, organic, superior tasting meals for infants and toddlers that are packed full of wholesome nutrients. Here is their philosophy on food:

"Petite Palate wants to change the way we feed our infants and children. Most parents start out by giving their babies jarred baby food. The jarring process (heating to high temperatures until sterilized and shelf stable), destroys many of the vitamins and nutrients that occur naturally in the food. In order to bolster the nutritional value of the jarred food, common practice is to add vitamin and mineral additives after cooking that did not come from the food itself. Petite Palate’s meals, on the other hand, are Flash Frozen, which maintains the food’s own nutritional content while sustaining the shelf life (frozen).
Petite Palate knows that infants are born with taste buds that need to be nurtured from the very first taste of solid food. We believe in the French tradition of small meals with big flavor. This leads to a positive relationship with food (as opposed to large portions of bland foods typically served). If presented as early as possible, children will grow up with better eating habits, reducing the incidence of child obesity and a number of health problems. Petite Palate also believes that with a highly developed palate, older children will choose nutritious foods over fried and processed ones; setting healthy habits for their entire lives. "
I suppose this is close to us cooking, pureeing and freezing the food for the babies?
Their packaging looks really good!
I've not fed bbnat any jar-food, always insisting on cooking for him (ok not me, my helper and my mum).
Yes, the packaging is what is making me want to eat this stuff. I suppose the fact that it is organic may may a different to the taste. Other than that, don't think it is difficult to make as long as the ingredients are fresh.
HI! This is Lisa, one of the founders. It's so exciting to see us on Pupsik!
I did want to let you know that we may be shipping to Asia in the near future. We're working with an export company, so if you guys let me know how to keep in touch, I'll forward any details.
Thanks again for such a wonderful write-up.
Lisa Beels
Petite Palate
Hi Lisa, so nice to hear from you. I will drop you an email so that you can let me know when you would be coming to Asia. Would love to help spread the word on Petit palate on Pupsik and stock up on a few of your wholesome food at home! =))
Hi Lisa, so nice to hear from you. I will drop you an email so that you can let me know when you would be coming to Asia. Would love to help spread the word on Petit palate on Pupsik and stock up on a few of your wholesome food at home! =))
Hi again, this is Lisa from Petite Palate - just wanted to let you know that we're getting closer to getting product to Singapore....
We'll keep you posted!
That's great! Do keep me posted! =)
That's great! Do keep me posted! =)
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