Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!
I just wanted to start the year with a big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have helped Pupsik Studio grow over the past year. I never would have imagined that our little studio which began as nothing more than a personal dream would have grown to a full-fledged business in the course of a year.
As I crawl out of a very, very busy year as a mom and founder of Pupsik Studio, I have taken a pause to look back at our many adventures and lessons we have learnt in 2009. We do not take anything for granted and are grateful for everything big and small... Above all, we are thankful to customers like you who trust us and have chosen us, among so many online stores in Singapore, to shop for your precious little tots.
God willing, we will continue to improve and make the shopping experience at Pupsik Studio more exciting, fulfilling and fun for you. Rest assured, we are commited to making sure that you can look forward to more useful products and services that will make your journey as a parent easier and more beautiful every step of the way.
For all of your support and friendship in 2009, we can never say ‘Thank You’ enough. We hope and pray that 2010 will be a happy and fulfilling year for us all!
Su Ling