Thumbs up if true!
BabyGO BabyJem Baby Reflux Pillow is an inclined wedge pillow with 3 point harness velcro strap and one side pillow support. Newborn infants are particularly vulnerable to reflux and choking on spit-ups as the reflux valve in newborns has yet to fully develop, resulting in the stomach acid escaping into the oesophagus, which often leads to vomiting and discomfort. This elevated pillow provides side and lower back support for a more comfortable and peaceful sleep for baby.
Jujube Fantasy Paradise is launching on Pupsik on Friday, 31 Jan, 8am. We will have full range of bags available for online launch, including mini-BFF.
With so many scalpers out there now, u should know how much you should be paying for these masks.
Dana Griffin-Graves's son Kaleb was 13 ounces when he was born in 2015. She shared her experience with the NICU and raising a child with special needs.
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/38JQngBThe World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an advisory on the home care of patients with suspected 2019-nCoV virus infection (aka Wuhan virus aka novel coronavirus). This includes an advisory for breastfeeding mothers, as well as an exhaustive list of good hygiene practices that sick family members should practice. It's great info that is actually useful for families with any sort of respiratory illnesses - not just the coronavirus! The link to the advisory is here: (s.pdf) If you have any questions about breastfeeding while sick, call or WhatsApp our counsellors at +65 63393558 (https://wa.me/6563393558).
Courtesy of https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/20200120-ncov-home-care-infected-patient#usmkk6268 Revision meme for medical students #MemeApprovedByMyMum
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/38EGZuII was chatting with my wife about the long night we’d had getting up with the baby, when I said, “At least I get up with her. A lot of men don’t. You should be grateful.” I was tired. And I said it like she was really lucky to have me. Like I was going above and beyond as a father. It was just after 7 a.m. Mel paused for a moment, leaned back in the chair, Aspen sleeping in her lap. Her eyes were a little red, and her brown hair was in a loose ponytail. She held the baby a little closer, and took in what I had said. I expected her to agree with me. We sometimes talked about the fathers we knew who didn’t get up with their babies. They viewed it as the mother’s job. But she didn’t. Instead, Mel crossed her legs, looked me in the eyes, and said, “I wish you would stop saying that.” At the time, Mel was a nearly full-time college student, a mother of three, and a school volunteer (a requirement of our children’s charter school). She spent hours sitting at our kitchen table, hunched over a keyboard, a textbook to her right, and at least one child tugging at her pant leg. And despite her commitment to education, and how much I pitched in, she often commented on the pressure she felt to keep a clean house — not to mention take the children to the doctor, cook meals, shuttle the kids to sports and other extra curricular activities, keep them looking clean and healthy, and monitor their behavior in public. She was a student and a mother, and yet she felt an enormous pressure to be the sole caregiver of our children. And there I was, feeding into those expectations by mentioning my help in the night as if it were some generous extension of my role as a father. Naturally, I didn’t think about any of this at the time. What I said was my way of trying to get her to notice my contribution to our marriage. As a father, I often feel like I’m really breaking the mold because I do pitch in around the house. If I’m home from work, I’m cleaning; I get up in the night and do numerous other things to help make our marriage a partnership. But for some reason I felt like I should receive special attention for doing things that have been, for so many years, seen as the mother’s job. I was dressed in slacks and a collared shirt. In my right hand was a purple bag with my lunch. I paused for a moment, took a step back, and said, “Why? I mean, it’s true. I do a lot of stuff that other fathers don’t. I’m a good guy.” Mel was standing now, the baby in her arms. Our older two children were still sleeping, so we were speaking in whispers. “Because it doesn’t make me feel like we’re in a partnership. It makes me feel like you want me to kiss your butt every time you get up in the night. This is your baby, too.” We went back and forth for a while. She told me how she appreciated all that I do to help around the house, but she hated the way I acted like I was doing something really great, when in fact I was just doing what a father should. My knee-jerk reaction was to get pissed off. I wanted to give her a list of other fathers we knew, family and friends, who still subscribed to antiquated notions of gender roles. I went to open my mouth, but stopped for just a moment, thought about my feelings, and realized it was best to leave before I said something I shouldn’t. So I left for work without saying a word. I drove to work angry. I was 20 minutes into my 30-minute commute when I thought about the last time I had washed dishes. I’d assumed that I should be getting praise or a reward, and for the first time I asked myself, Why? I ate there, too. Then I thought about vacuuming the carpet, or doing the laundry, and realized I had the same expectations about those chores, and suddenly I felt like a jerk. The understanding that Mel was responsible for home and child care was so deeply ingrained in my understanding of family and contribution that I’d placed myself on a pedestal for doing something as simple as getting up with our baby in the night. By the time I parked and walked to my office, I felt really low. I called Mel from work, and told her I was sorry. “You’re right,” I said. “This is a partnership, and I shouldn’t act like I’m doing some amazing thing because I get up in the night. I’m going to stop.” Mel was quiet for a moment. Then she said, “Thank you.” This is an abridged chapter from my new book “I’m Sorry... Love, Your Husband.”
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/37qadgJAn outbreak of new coronavirus has sickened about 1,400 people worldwide and killed at least 41 in mainland China, while spreading to countries around the world.
Courtesy of https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/22/world/wuhan-coronavirus-visual-guide-intl/index.htmlA very happy Chinese New Year to all~ Huat ah! - Pupsik Studio
CNY is coming & we're seeing RED! New items arriving to Pupsik Store. >>>
I wanted to share these screen-free ideas for kids because it is so important that they use their imagination and play. It's important that they learn to rely on themselves for entertainment instead of electronics.
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/2v7dH9zBabyGO Bed Guard (Animals) is a bed guard that can be attached to the side of the bed to prevent the child from falling out of bed while sleeping. This bed rail can be used in travels, whenever away from home at a place with no cots, simply attach this bed rail to the side of the bed for the safety and protection of your child.
Journalist and mom Anna Whitehouse recently opened up about how maternity and paternity leave isn't a vacation in a thoughtful LinkedIn post.
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/2RxSkGbCNY is coming & we're seeing RED! New items arriving to Pupsik Store. >>>
"Dear Dads, I know you're holding your phone right now. You probably always have your phone in your hand or at least in your pocket. Do her a favor and take more pictures. No, not screenshots of a funny meme you just saw on Twitter. I'm talking about pictures of her. The mother of your children. The love of your life. The one who works so hard to hold it all together for your precious family. Take more pictures of her. One night when she's lying in bed reading a story to your daughter, whip out your phone and take a picture. Without warning. Without posing. Just take the picture. When she's in the kitchen talking to your son about his day, take the picture. If she's rolling around on the floor with the kids or helping one with their homework, take the picture. Time goes by so fast and every day these sweet babies are getting older and older. Before we know it, they'll be packing up their cars and moving off to college. Take the picture. One day she'll be gone and all the kids have left of her are memories. Take the picture. Take the pictures to show them the love she had for them. Take the pictures so they can always remember how silly she was. Take the pictures so they can see how beautiful she was. It doesn't matter if she's in her pajamas and on day 4 of dry shampoo, please, take the picture. My mom passed away when I was 20 years old. All I have are pictures. I stare at the pictures of her holding me in her lap laughing at something cute I must have said. I zoom in on pictures of her hands to see if I have the same ones as I've gotten older. You can't capture things like that in a selfie. Please, take the picture. I know you don't always think about it, but when you do, don't worry about anything else and just take the picture. Your kids (and your wife) will be so grateful in the end." Credit: Nicole Long
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/2R7Q0qsCNY is coming & we're seeing RED! New items arriving to Pupsik Store. >>>
It means loneliness, and no breaks. It means babysitters and missed days of work.
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/38cs9eJHigh tech parenting is getting even better with a new device from Pampers that tells you when your baby has a dirty diaper or when they need a feeding...
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/30stZFvNew to Pupsik: Innovative forks, spoons and knives for early eaters from British brand Doddl. Feature special design that encourages pincer grop.
CNY GIVEAWAY! Rock this CNY with these auspicious 100% T shirts! We are giving away a set (2pc) to a lucky winner this week! To win, simply: 1. Like and share this post 2. Leave a comment to let us know which colour (Red, Black/gold, Green Mahjong) 3. Tag as many lucky friends to win this! Contest ends 21 Jan and winner will be announced on 22 Jan. Huat ah!
There's just something about sports that gets people all heated up. But this latest kerfuffle at a local stadium was not over football. Instead, the unlikely source of conflict was a jogging stroller.
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/2tbd2UaSyrian company Pearl Soap make Aleppo soap, which is a product primarily made from natural olive oil. The company , which has been making soap since 1945, us...
Courtesy of https://www.pupsikstudio.com/shop-by-brands/pearl-aleppo-soap-talal-aniCongratulations to Angel SA! You are the winner of a Flytot to accompany your kids Down Under in May. Please contact us for your prize. Happy and comfortable flying with Flytot!
New in store! Childhome Bio Organic Cotton Fitted Cot Sheet is a mattress fitted sheet made of 100% organic natural bio cotton. This means that the cotton used for the fitted sheets are grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. A lot of allergies can be caused by chemicals in cotton fibres, which is why organic cotton is better for our skin, especially babies.
New in store - the Melissa & Doug Fresh Mart Grocery Store! This free-standing play space with smooth, curved corners and edges lets customers three and older browse the shelves and pay for purchases on one side, and allows the grocer to ring up items on the other. Realistic features include beeping "scanner," a hand-crank conveyor belt, a card-swiping machine, a keypad/calculator, and cash drawer. Awesome!
Hiro-chan is a very simple, inexpensive, and, er, faceless robotic baby doll designed to comfort elderly people. (Video below.) Unlike the very similar looking Amish dolls that lack faces for relig…
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/37ZQHrqBelieve it or not, temper tantrums are an important part of your toddler's emotional health and well-being.
Courtesy of http://bit.ly/2QOAfo8Good news! Jujube Galaxy Launch on Friday, 17 Jan, 8am will now come with free gift - free Galaxy Hippie bag worth S$60 with any purchase of $80 of Jujube Galaxy products! More info on our launch page: