“But I don’t want my child to be spoiled! He cannot get everything he wants instantly!” Yes, of course we do not want our kids to feel entitled, they have to learn delayed gratification. But do you know that waiting requires thinking and planning, and these executive functioning skills are still developing in our kids’ brains? Instead of dismissing your child’s needs, try to first acknowledge their feelings (yes to feelings, no to behaviors!!) so that they become more receptive to your advice. Do the teaching only when they are ready #connectionbeforecorrection Here are some tips to teach delayed gratification: 1️⃣ Role model, calm down and be patient yourself. (You cannot expect your kids to respond immediately, if you always make them wait for you to reply your emails before you attend to them.) 2️⃣ Set empathetic limits “You want to play with the toy so much and it’s difficult to wait. We take turns and you can have it after 5 minutes.” 2️⃣ Suggest activities that they can do while waiting, like counting down from 20, read a book, do some colouring, use a visual timer etc. 4️⃣ Congratulate them when they waited patiently “You counted to 10 while waiting for me. I am done with the laundry, let’s go play now!” It’s a long process to teach delayed gratification, but if you intentionally turn those tricky behaviours into teachable opportunities, your children will get into the habit of waiting, and that helps them to be adaptable and cope with unavoidable delays.💪🏻 Bookmark these tips so you can refer back to them again! #olpn_parenting
Courtesy of https://bit.ly/2SGZzfS
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