Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Customers are our best form of advertisement!

Thank you to Yuling and Huijia for showering such lovely compliments of our pouch on your blogs! Happy customers like you two always make my day! xoxo

"I don’t know how I would have survived the weekend without this Pupsik pouch.

There were gatherings, grocery shopping trips, lunches and errands to be fitted into every waking minute, and Missy Raeann was out and about like a little dancer on her toes. It doesn’t quite help that she can now go from the lying position to the sitting to the kneeling (on her own, with no assistance), and eventually to the standing position (provided there are props like the crib or our pillows). She’s adrenalized these days by her new skills!

I couldn’t keep her still in the stroller. I couldn’t get her to nap. She only wants to transform from position to position.

And the only thing that can soothe the revved-up Missy is this pretty little thing I won from the Pupsik giveaway.

That’s when the world is not so topsy-turvy, for me and missy.

That’s when I can take a swig of coffee.

That’s when she leans in close to my chest, her fingers clutching mine.

Now, she even swings her arms endearingly towards the sling when I take it out of the diaper bag. I’m getting so dependent on it I’m awfully glad it’s such a pretty one in vintage toile print. My yummy-mummy-wanna-be accessory." Yuling
(above) Huijia and Baby Luke in a Fairground pouch


Chiao Chyi said...

I really know what they mean. I thought my pouch days were over when my daughter started walking. When I won the pouch I was excited, but I really didn't know when I'd use it again, until you wrote that u were still using the pouch with Vera. So now I sling my daughter when I'm out alone with her, so she can't run anywhere...I can do my shopping! :)

laissezfaire said...

Hey thanks for leaving a comment. Would love a pic to see how hannah has grown!