We will be extending the deadline for entries to 10 April as I know some of you need a little more time. So if you have not sent us a pic of your little one, please do so NOW! Please send the pic to pupsikbaby@gmail.com. xoxoo
It is with very great excitement that I announce the search for our Pupsik baby in a pouch this year! This is the second time we are organising this. To be honest, we love doing this again cos we get such a big kick and utter satisfaction out of you sending us pictures of your adorable babies in our pouches that is hard to let the opportunity pass by this year!
If you were following this search last year, you would know of our lovely winners - Baby Hannah, Baby Jey and Baby Raeann, (above from left to right). This year, we will again have 3 lovely babies to walk away with a bunch of prizes that even I (the organiser) would like to win. The prizes includes photo packages generously sponsored by creative photostudios specialising in children/family photography such as Pink Elephant Labs and Studio Loft. In addition the winners will get to walk away with a new pouch of their choice from our new range of reversible pouches (launch date TBC) and a bunch of other prizes from our partners this year.
And if you are in need of a little persuasion to enter your little one for this contest, let me give you 3 good reasons why you should:
1. Everyone is a winner! Unlike the usual big magazine contests when you send in a picture and never hear back, you can be sure that everyone is a winner in this "contest". All entries will receive a $10 gift voucher that you can use to redeem from our store (terms apply).
2. You decide who wins! Call this our own version of American Idol if you like but we would like you, the mommy/daddy/grandma/grandpa/friend/uncle...to vote for our winners this year! Since this is more for fun, rather than creating unneccessary competition, the actual results of the voting will be confidential and we will only be announcing the winners with the highest number of votes . So, if you have a lot of computers, family members, fans and friends rooting for your kiddo, I say your chance of winning is incredibly high. =))
2. In the name of fun! We will be sharing the pictures (unless you do not want us to) in an online photogallery that we are creating. Not only will this precious and intimate moment of you and your child be captured together with us for a long time to come, this is also a fun and great way to share your babywearing journey with hundreds of others who have yet to discover the joy and benefits of babywearing!

You can be as creative as possible and send in as many pictures (funny, sweet, adorable, memorable) of your little one in a pouch. There is no age limit and if you entered last year, you can enter again this year as long as you are sending in a new photograph. If you have submitted multiple pictures, we will select one photo for the final voting exercise.
The deadline for entries is 30 March 2010.
I hope everyone can make this as fun as possible again this year. Thanks again and let the pictures roll! xoxo