Dr Moz has answered my question on what bibs to get for Vera!
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QuestionDear Dr.MOZ,
What do you do with a baby (i.e. Vera) who doesn’t like to wear bibs when she eats? Do you know of any cool bib gadget out there that will be fun to wear, easy to clean and difficult for babies to remove themselves? Thanks again!
Mommy Vera
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AnswerHello Mommy Vera,
It’s common for babies and toddlers to get fussy when they are getting jostled around for feeding, and luckily there are a collection of bibs on the market that help simplify the process. Here are three comfortable bibs that are hard to remove, and easy to clean:
3 Dr.MOZ Favorites* A Better Bib has built-in sleeves, so Vera may not know she’s wearing a bib. There are a variety of styles to choose from with these 100% cotton bibs and they are machine washable. (available at
A Better Bib’s website)
The Crum Chum covers baby from chin to toes and is designed especially for feeding baby in highchairs and on the go in strollers or car seats. The larger coverage will make it more difficult to pull off than a standard bib, and you’ll love the huge “pucker pocket” that will catch food that would normally cover Vera’s legs. (available at
Let Babies Soar)
Bumkins Sleeved Bib could be the perfect combination of the first two bibs because it features sleeves, waterproof fabric, and a large catch-all pocket. Vera won’t be able to reach the tied strings in back, and you’ll appreciate knowing that Bumkins’ proprietary fabric is PVC free! (available at
In addition to using a wearable bib, you might also want to try putting the bib on Vera five or ten minutes before feeding time. By the time Vera is placed in a highchair, she may already be comfortable with the bib and less likely to want to pull it off. Thanks for the great question, and don’t forget to check back to see if our readers have other ideas in our comments bubble above!
Have fun and stay healthy,